A peer-reviewed policy-oriented journal published by CSIS Indonesia (est. 1972)
Related to Indonesia and its political, economic, and strategic challenges.
IQ also accepts the book reviews. Book reviews considered are those written between 1,500-2,000 words.
The structure of the article should be clearly outlines in four main sections, as follows:
Includes at least the general background, problem statement (derived from the disparity between reality/empirical conditions and ideal conditions), research gap (derived from a literature review of previous studies on the topic), research questions, the author's main arguments, and the purpose of writing the article.
Contains the conceptual approach/perspective that will be used to analyse the case or topic under discussion. The term "analytical framework" can be adjusted or replaced with concepts/terminologies that reflects the conceptual framework being used.
Presents an analysis of the case/topic under discussion based on the established analytical framework. The subsections within the discussion should be organized according to the elements/components/variables in the analytical framework. Authors may also include independent/separate sections to address topics that cannot be incorporated into other subsections. In this section, authors should clearly provide answers to the questions posed in the Introduction.
The conclusion section should not contain repetition or excerpts from the discussion section. It restates the problem of the case/topic, the author's arguments, and the author's findings in a concise and compact manner. Additionally, authors are required to provide recommendations or policy suggestions regarding the discussed case/topic.
For samples of Chicago style footnote citation, we encourage authors to follow closely the provisions below:
First citation:
Geoffrey C. Ward and Ken Burns, The War: An Intimate History, 1941--1945 (New York: Knopf, 2007), 52.
Subsequent citation (Ibid) :
Ward and Burns, War, 59--61.
First citation:
John D. Kelly, et al, "Seeing Red: Mao Fetishism, Pax Americana, and the Moral Economy of War," in Anthropology and Global Counterinsurgency, ed. John D. Kelly, et al. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010), 77.
Subsequent citation (Ibid) :
Kelly, "Seeing Red," 81–82.
First citation:
Joshua I. Weinstein, "The Market in Plato's Republic," Classical Philology 104 (2009): 440.
Subsequent citation (Ibid) :
Weinstein, "Plato's Republic," 452--53.
First citation:
Gueorgi Kossinets and Duncan J. Watts, "Origins of Homophily in an Evolving Social Network," American Journal of Sociology 115 (2009): 411, doi:10.1086/599247.
Subsequent citation (Ibid) :
Kossinets and Watts, "Origins of Homophily," 439.
First citation:
Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Robert Pear, "Wary Centrists Posing Challenge in Health Care Vote," New York Times, February 27, 2010, http://www.nytimes.com//02/28/us/lth.html.
Subsequent citation (Ibid) :
Stolberg and Pear, "Wary Centrists."
First citation:
"Google Privacy Policy," last modified March 11, 2009, http://www.google.com/intl/en/privacypolicy.html.
Subsequent citation (Ibid) :
"Google Privacy Policy."
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"All submissions are peer-reviewed. Authors will be notified if the paper is selected to be published.”
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Tel: (+62-21)386 5532
Website: journals.csis.or.id
Email: iq@csis.or.id
Jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan tiga kali setahun oleh CSIS Indonesia.
Terkait isu atau kebijakan politik, ekonomi, dan keamanan di Indonesia.
Sistematika penulisan artikel diuraikan secara jelas dalam empat bagian utama, yaitu:
Memuat setidaknya latar belakang umum, rumusan masalah (berasal dari ketimpangan antara realita/kondisi empirik dan kondisi ideal), ceruk penelitian (berasal dari tinjauan pustaka terhadap kajian sebelumnya mengenai topik yang diangkat), pertanyaan penelitian, argumentasi utama penulis dan tujuan penulisan artikel.
Berisikan pendekatan konseptual/cara pandang/perspektif yang akan digunakan untuk menganalisis kasus atau topik yang diangkat. Penamaan kerangka analisis dapat disesuaikan atau diganti dengan menggunakan istilah yang mencermikan kerangka konseptual yang digunakan (misal: Sekuritisasi Migran Ilegal, Politik Konstituen).
Berisi analisis mengenai kasus/topik yang diangkat berdasarkan kerangka analisis yang telah ditetapkan. Pembabakan pembahasan atau sub-bagian diurutkan sesuai elemen/komponen/variabel pada kerangka analisis. Penulis juga dapat menambahkan bagian tersendiri untuk membahas hal yang tidak dapat disatukan ke dalam sub-bagian lainnya. Di bagian ini, penulis sudah harus mencantumkan dengan jelas jawaban atas pertanyaan yang diajukan pada bagian Pendahuluan.
Bagian kesimpulan tidak berisikan pengulangan atau potongan-potongan dari bagian pembahasan. Bagian ini menegaskan kembali masalah kasus/topik yang diangkat, argumentasi dan temuan-temuan penulis secara ringkat dan padat. Di sini, penulis juga wajib menyampaikan rekomendasi atau saran kebijakan mengenai kasus/topik yang dibahas.
Sistem penulisan kutipan dan daftar pustaka menggunakan Chicago Manual Style. Pengutipan dilakungan dengan teknik “catatan kaki” (footnote) dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
Dikutip pertama kali:
Geoffrey C. Ward and Ken Burns, The War: An Intimate History, 1941--1945 (New York: Knopf, 2007), 52.
Dikutip untuk kedua kali (Ibid) :
Ward and Burns, War, 59--61.
Dikutip pertama kali:
John D. Kelly, et al, "Seeing Red: Mao Fetishism, Pax Americana, and the Moral Economy of War," in Anthropology and Global Counterinsurgency, ed. John D. Kelly, et al. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010), 77.
Dikutip untuk kedua kali (Ibid) :
Kelly, "Seeing Red," 81–82.
Dikutip pertama kali:
Joshua I. Weinstein, "The Market in Plato's Republic," Classical Philology 104 (2009): 440.
Dikutip untuk kedua kali (Ibid) :
Weinstein, "Plato's Republic," 452--53.
Dikutip pertama kali:
Gueorgi Kossinets and Duncan J. Watts, "Origins of Homophily in an Evolving Social Network," American Journal of Sociology 115 (2009): 411, doi:10.1086/599247.
Dikutip untuk kedua kali (Ibid) :
Kossinets and Watts, "Origins of Homophily," 439.
Dikutip pertama kali:
Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Robert Pear, "Wary Centrists Posing Challenge in Health Care Vote," New York Times, February 27, 2010, http://www.nytimes.com//02/28/us/lth.html.
Dikutip untuk kedua kali (Ibid) :
Stolberg and Pear, "Wary Centrists."
Dikutip pertama kali:
"Google Privacy Policy," last modified March 11, 2009, http://www.google.com/intl/en/privacypolicy.html.
Dikutip untuk kedua kali (Ibid) :
"Google Privacy Policy."
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Tel: (+62-21)386 5532
Website: journals.csis.or.id
Email: analisis@csis.or.id