The role of the Parliament (DPR) in shaping the direction of military reform is still weak. While it now has the power to oversee defence issues and the military, very few members of the Parliament have sufficient knowledge in these areas. As a result, the civilian elite within legislative bodies has not played a major role in shaping the direction of military reform.
With that background, the goal of the project is to support the improvement of parliamentary oversight capacity in these areas. This involves, firstly, providing necessary assistance to parliamentary members of parliament in carrying out their oversight role; and, secondly, familiarising members with defence issues, especially with regard to defence policies and implementation.
Timeframe: November 2003-July 2004
Researchers: Rizal Sukma, Edy Prasetyono, Kusnanto Anggoro, Agus Widjojo, Affandi, Landry H. Subianto, Philips J. Vermonte.