Lina A. Alexandra

Head, Department of International Relations

14 Publications

Lina A. Alexandra

Lina A. Alexandra is currently the Head of Department of International Relations, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) based in Jakarta. She also holds the position as the Coordinator for CSIS Myanmar Initiative Programme. Her research interests include Indonesian foreign policy, conflict resolution, peacekeeping, peacebuilding, human rights, and atrocities prevention in Southeast Asia. She obtained her Masters of International Studies, specialising in Peace and Conflict Resolution in 2006 and PhD in 2020 both from the School of Political Science and International Studies, University of Queensland, Australia. 


Policy Brief

Overhauling Indonesia’s Foreign Policy: How and Where to Start?

Lina A. Alexandra


Analysis of 2024 ASEAN and Related Summits and Outlook for 2025: CSIS Special Edition Commentaries

Lina A. Alexandra, Dr. Nurliana Kamaruddin, Dr. Piti Srisangnam, H.E. Lee Jang-keun, H.E. Satvinder Singh, H.E. Ton Thi Ngoc Huong, Hoang Thi Ha, Muhammad Faizal Bin Abdul Rahman, Muhammad Waffaa Kharisma and Rizal Sukma


Analysis of 2024 ASEAN and Related Summits: CSIS Special Edition Commentaries

Andrew W. Mantong, Lina A. Alexandra, Albert Sanghoon Park, Bhanubhatra Jittiang, H. E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, H.E. Bovonethat Douangchak, H.E. Lee Jang-keun, H.E. M.I. Derry Aman, H.E. Tiffany McDonald, Joanne Lin, Julia Tijaja and Su-Yin Lew


Strengthening and Deepening the US- Indonesia Partnership

Lina A. Alexandra


Post-2024 Election: What is the future of Indonesian Foreign Policy?

Lina A. Alexandra


Debat tanpa Adu Gagasan: Catatan Kritis Debat Calon Presiden

Lina A. Alexandra