This report analyzes the representation map of politically under-represented groups yearly, especially female parliament members and young legislators under 40. In this report,  we  observe  the  significant  political  competition  faced  by  challengers  or legislative candidates who are young in their fight for seats in the open proportional system, especially with the increasing trend of the number of parliament members from incumbents  and  parliament  members  who  have  family  connections  or  kinship  with political dynasties. This report is divided into seven main sections: Overview of the 2024 Legislative Election; Party Vote Acquisition Across Different Elections; Political Party  Seat  Acquisition  in  the  2019  and  2024  Elections;  Map  of  Young  People  in Parliament; Map of Women in Parliament; Map of Political Dynasties; and Incumbency Status of Parliament Members.

This report is an initiative to develop parliamentary studies in Indonesia, which scholars and political researchers have yet to explore extensively. We see the parliament playing a crucial role in fostering public policy discourse and offering relevant policy alternatives to meet the needs of citizens. This report is a process of analysis and data collection conducted from January to April 2024. Several individuals played roles in the research and data collection, especially Research Assistant of the Department of Politics and Social Change Florentina Dwiastuti and Research Interns of the Department of Politics and  Social  Change,  such  as  Winda  Safitri  from  UPN  Veteran  Jakarta,  Syifa  Nabila Syaharani Jauhari from Universitas Indonesia, Reyhan Ghafrullah Fachsapoetra from Waseda University, and Rizvi Nahar Ilhammullah from Universitas Gadjah Mada.