Puteri Komarudin

Anggota Komisi XI, Fraksi Partai Golkar

0 Publications

Puteri Komarudin

Elected as an MP for the 2019-2024 term, Puteri Komarudin serves as a member of the House Commission XI, overseeing finance, banking, and national development planning sectors. She is also a member of the Committee for Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation (BKSAP). In this capacity, she serves as the Chairperson of the Bilateral Cooperation Group of DPR RI with the NPC of the People’s Republic of China, and the Asia-Pacific Group Regional Representatives for the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Bureau of the Women Parliamentarians.

A young female politician, Puteri is named the Chairperson of the Youth Caucus of DPR RI and a member of the Indonesian Women Parliamentarian Caucus. As part of the Golkar party faction in DPR RI, Puteri also serves as a Head of the Economic and Financial Sector.